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Here are some videos and follow-up activities that can help you teach some of the key concepts from the activities at the Water Festival. 


Primary Grades

Water Cycle, Go Noodle - This fun music video about the water cycle will get students up and moving as they
learn about the water cycle.

Stream Study, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - Staff from UTRCA show how to investigate the water quality of a stream in London, Ontario through the collection of benthic invertebrates.

Exploring Wild Wetlands, Scientists in School - Join Scientists in School on an educational and interactive walk through ponds and swamps. Investigate various plants and animals that adapt and survive in water.

Water Cycle, Happy Learning - Learn about the importance of water to the planet Earth as well as the water cycle, including evaporation, condensation and precipitation. 

Moo's Thirsty, Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Take a tour of local barns to learn the different ways farmers provide their livestock with clean, safe and abundant drinking water. 

Freddy the Fish Teaches about Stormwater, NCTCOG E&D - Freddy the Fish teaches kids about what happens to rain after it hits the ground, where storm drains lead to, and what we can do to help prevent water pollution.

Save Water to Help the Earth, WonderGrove Kids - Learn about the things we can all do to conserve water around the house. 

First Nations Perspectives on Water, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority - Carlyn Johnston and Karen Mattila of Ska-Nah-Doht Village and Museum share the regard and relationship of Anishinaabe kwe and Haudenosaunee cultures toward our life-giving waters.

The Threat of Invasive Species, TEDEd - A snake that is capable of devouring an alligator. Rabbit populations that eat themselves into starvation. These aren’t horror movie concepts – they’re real stories. Learn the facts on invasive species.


Toilets are Not Garbage Cans, City of London - This video teaches about putting waste in the right place! Toilets are not garbage cans.

The Story of Bottled Water, The Story of Stuff Project - This video highlights the
impacts of bottled water and also takes a
deeper dive into marketing techniques  that can influence and impact our behaviour.

Greenway Wastewater Treatment Plant, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority  - Take a virtual tour of the Greenway Wastewater Treatment Plant to see how our wastewater is treated. 

Moo's Thirsty, Ontario Federation of Agriculture - Take a tour of local barns to learn the different ways farmers provide their livestock with clean, safe and abundant drinking water. 

Stream Study, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - Staff from UTRCA show how to investigate the water quality of a stream in London, Ontario through the collection of benthic invertebrates.

Drain Rangers, Transect Films - Too much stormwater can be a big problem! This video illustrates the causes of and solutions to dirty stormwater runoff. 

Exploring Wild Wetlands, Scientists in School - Join Scientists in School on an educational and interactive walk through ponds and swamps. Investigate various plants and animals that adapt and survive in water.

First Nations Perspectives on Water, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority - Carlyn Johnston and Karen Mattila of Ska-Nah-Doht Village and Museum share the regard and relationship of Anishinaabe kwe and Haudenosaunee cultures toward our life-giving waters.

The Threat of Invasive Species, TEDEd - A snake that is capable of devouring an alligator. Rabbit populations that eat themselves into starvation. These aren’t horror movie concepts – they’re real stories. Learn the facts on invasive species.


All the Water in the World
Down the Drain Or Not?
Nature Journal
Urban Stew
Where Have all the Species Gone?
Wise Water Use
Wonder of Wetlands
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